International Exposure Program

International Exposure Program

As mandated by Kurikulum 2015, students taking the international program must complete some credits from one of UPIR UGM’s partner universities abroad. They do this by partaking in a one or two semesters student exchange program, study abroad program, or double degree program. More detailed information about this International Exposure Program is provided in a separate booklet.

  1. Double Degree Program (DDP)
    The Double Degree Program enables students to attain degrees from both Universitas Gadjah Mada and Flinders University (Australia) or Murdoch University (Australia).
  2. Student Exchange Program (SEP)/Study Abroad Program (SAP)
    International Student Exchange lasts for 1 semester, during which students will have excellent opportunities to broaden their knowledge.
Victoria University
Sungkyunkwan University
Queen Mary University of London
University of Leeds
The University of Melbourne
University of Groningen
Utrecht University
Malmö University
De La Salle College of Saint Benilde
Nagoya University
Ritsumeikan University
University of Birmingham