OP-ED, Jurnal Nasional & Jurnal Internasional
Baca tulisan terbaru Mahasiswa/i di Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, FISIPOL, UGM
Waktu | Judul | Nama | Jenjang | Jenis | Pranala |
1/1/2024 | The Importance of Alliance as a Means of Deterrence: Sweden and Finland Decision to Join NATO | Priagung Arif Budi Wibawa | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/1/2024 | Exploring Switzerland’s Role in Enhancing Security and Stability in the Horn of Africa | Andi Faradilla Ayu Lestari | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/1/2024 | The Role of International Organizations towards the Care Economy Policy in Indonesia | Estu Sarwo Mukti | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/1/2024 | The Power of Digital Platforms to Support Palestine Globally | Rizki Faisal Ali | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/1/2024 | Weak Biological Weapons Regulations During World War II: The case of Unit 731 | Caecilia Ega Sanjaya | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/4/2024 | On the Climate Crisis, We Are All Suffering, But Women from the South Are Suffering More | Laila Hanifah | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/12/2024 | The Global Food Crisis as an International Security Threat in Non-Traditional Security Issues | Krisman Heriamsal | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/16/2024 | To Infinity and Beyond:The Legal Battleground of Space Warfare | M. Adrian Firmansyah Marwanto | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/18/2024 | Canvassing Indonesia’s Future Foreign Policy: How Do the Three Candidates Stack Up? | Trystanto | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/24/2024 | From Trade War to Tech War: A glimpse at a hitherto “Hot Peace” between the US – China rivalry | Muwalliha Syahdani | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/24/2024 | Australia’s First Nations People: How Domestic Pressures Manifest Australia’s Pillars of ‘Internationalism’ | Muhammad Raafi | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/25/2024 | Delving into the Social-Humanitarian Aspects of the Mexican Drug War | Mellyna Girindraputri Laufer | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/28/2024 | Football, Regionalism, and Its Influence in Multiple Dimensions in Latin America | Caecilia Ega Sanjaya | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/29/2024 | Tanggung Jawab Terhadap Pengungsi Afghanistan: Perspektif Kosmopolitanisme | Diandra Ayu Larasati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/29/2024 | Reimagining East Asian Creative Industry Through the Lens of Techno-Orientalism | Isabella Damaiyanti Widyaputri | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
2/1/2024 | Solomon Islands Cacao Commodity in Strengthening Global Value Chain | Rivelda P. Heatubun | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/1/2024 | Idiosinkratik Pemimpin: Arah Kebijakan dan Tindakan Negara | M Iqbal Tawakal Al Akbar | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/5/2024 | Strengthening China’s Soft Power through Public Diplomacy: NGOs as Important Players | Rahma Anggit Khairunnisa | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
2/6/2024 | State-Guided Capitalism as a Roadblock Towards Indonesia's Green Future | Aminah Rafa Laksita Azmi | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
2/6/2024 | Tantangan dan Peluang dalam Pendidikan Pengungsi Anak di Indonesia | Meilisa Anggraeni | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/7/2024 | COVID-19 as a Human Security Threat in Non-traditional Security Issues | Felix Broson Manurung | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/12/2024 | Hitting the Glass Ceiling: Women and Politics in China | Quintafila Aufar Salihin | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
2/20/2024 | Comparing Elections in the Two Countries with the Largest Muslim Populations | Ida Mujtahidah | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/29/2024 | Australia’s Response and Actions to the Solomon-China Security Pact | Rahma Anggit Khairunnisa | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
3/1/2024 | Turkey’s Humanitarian Diplomacy in Somalia: Humanitarian vs National Interests | Rahma Anggit Khairunnisa | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
3/13/2024 | Menelusuri Antroposen, Tentang Narasi Kepunahan Manusia | Wahyu Candra Dewi | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
3/13/2024 | Navigating Diplomatic Waters: Australia’s Evolving Stance on the Israel-Palestine Conflict | Jean Nikita Purba | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
3/14/2024 | Upaya Implementasi Pajak Lingkungan: Hambatan dan Tantangan | Wahyu Candra Dewi | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
3/18/2024 | Geopolitics in Internet Governance in Indonesia: Not Apart from the Influence of Hegemony and Political Elites | Rizki Faisal Ali | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
3/19/2024 | Reasoning the Morality of Jokowi's Foreign Policy | Anugrah A. I. Julio Wejai | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
3/19/2024 | Peluru Hampa Teriakan Genosida | Eduardus A. Kurniawan | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
3/27/2024 | Nissologi dan Indo-Pasifik: Nasib Biak di Pasifik | Anugrah A. I. Julio Wejai | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
4/4/2024 | AWS: A Threat to International Humanitarian Law or a Necessary Technological Evolution? | Andi Faradilla Ayu Lestari | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
4/17/2024 | Enforcing Humanity: The Struggle to Uphold International Law in Conflict | Priagung Arif Budi Wibawa | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
4/24/2024 | Saling Serang Iran-Israel, Apakah Kita Menuju Perang Dunia III? | Eduardus A. Kurniawan | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
5/21/2024 | OECD in Data Governance: Indonesia’s Position in Responding to It | Rizki Faisal Ali | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
5/21/2024 | Big Tech Capitalism in the Digital Era: Exploitation and Social Responsibility in Indonesia | Rizki Faisal Ali | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
5/21/2024 | Circular Economy and SDGs Goals: A Case Study in the Textile Industry in Indonesia | Rizki Faisal Ali | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
5/27/2024 | Blue Economy: Penerapan Konsep Sasi Laut dalam Kebijakan Penangkapan Ikan Terukur | Achmad Zainuddin Hidayatullah | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
5/30/2024 | menavigasi-tantangan-dan-potensi-pendidikan-inklusif-di-indonesia-integrasi-prinsip-esg-untuk-masa-depan | Ida Mujtahidah | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
5/30/2024 | challenges on inclusive primary education in indonesia | Ida Mujtahidah | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
5/30/2024 | Kecelakaan Heli Presiden Iran, Ulah Manusia atau Murni Tragedi? | Eduardus A. Kurniawan | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/2/2024 | Film Industry and ESG: South Korea’s Cultural Diplomacy and its Global Impact | A. Ayyub Ansarullah Alimuddin | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/2/2024 | Paradoks Laut Cina Selatan: Antara Geostrategis dan Ancaman Kedaulatan Negara | Krisman Heriamsal | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/2/2024 | The Reality of ESG: Palm Oil Corporate Interests in West Sulawesi, Indonesia | Krisman Heriamsal | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/4/2024 | Sweet Home on Netflix: How South Korean Horror Redefined Global Pop Culture | A. Ayyub Ansarullah Alimuddin | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/10/2024 | Global Social Movement: Real Steps of Hope and Global Collective Purpose | M Iqbal Tawakal Al Akbar | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/12/2024 | Peran Penting ECLAC: Penyerataan Gender di Meksiko | Clara Lucia Marghanita | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/16/2024 | The Role of ESG in Mitigating Climate Change | Felix Broson Manurung | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/17/2024 | ASML Exodus: A trouble in Holland’s paradise | Akira Farhan Danendra | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
6/20/2024 | The Importance of International Criminal Law Norm in Fostering International Cooperation | Felix Broson Manurung | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/21/2024 | Transisi Energi Berbasis Komunitas Lokal | Muh Rasikh Undipa Akbar | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
6/21/2024 | Palestina dan Aksi Nirkekerasan Mahasiswa | Muh Rasikh Undipa Akbar | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
6/21/2024 | COMMUNITY DIGITAL STORYTELLING UNTUK ADVOKASI HAK KELOMPOK MARGINAL | Muh Rasikh Undipa Akbar | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
6/21/2024 | R-Strategies for Marine Debris and Blue Finance in Indonesia | Rhin Khairina Rahmat | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/21/2024 | Guns, Greed, and Rights: Questioning the Narrative of ‘Gun Rights’ in America | Syakilla Putri Aulia Haryanto | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
6/23/2024 | Warsaw Pact Retrospective in the Lens of International Regime Theory | Priagung Arif Budi Wibawa | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/25/2024 | Bridging Knowledge and Action: The Role of Epistemic Communities in International Cooperation | M Iqbal Tawakal Al Akbar | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/25/2024 | Constructivism Perspective in International Development Cooperation: The Case of ASEAN | Farhan Riswandha Jhuswanto | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/26/2024 | The implementation of sister city cooperation between Denpasar and Perth | Rivelda Pricilia Heatubun | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/26/2024 | Paris Agreement: Implementasi Green Port dalam mengurangi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca | Emma Seruni Ketaren | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/26/2024 | Peran Kelompok Epistemik dalam mengatasi Dampak Lingkungan dari Perdagangan | Emma Seruni Ketaren | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/26/2024 | Penguatan Start-Up B2B | Muwalliha Syahdani | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/27/2024 | Implementasi MoU Indonesia-Inggris Raya pada Keamanan Siber Negara | Octavia Novita Sari | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/27/2024 | Implementasi MoU BNPT RI-MFAT sebagai Upaya Meminimalisir Radikalisme Digital | Octavia Novita Sari | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/27/2024 | Amid Humanity, Believer Cries for Help: The Rise of Islamophobia | Rania Felita Salsabila | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
6/27/2024 | Sanksi Ekonomi Amerika Serikat Terhadap Iran: Embargo Minyak Mentah Iran | Octavia Novita Sari | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/27/2024 | Tantangan dan Kebijakan Pencari Suaka di Jepang dalam Analisis Keamanan Manusia | Octavia Novita Sari | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/28/2024 | Paris Poop Protest: A Call to Action Against the Olympics and International Law | Allene Florence Fadhilah D. | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
6/28/2024 | Investor-State Dispute Settlement Sebagai Penyelesaian Kasus Chevron vs Ekuador | Clara Lucia Marghanita | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/28/2024 | Role Of Government Of Indonesia: Transforming Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Into Being More Eco Friendly – OpEd | Clara Lucia Marghanita | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/28/2024 | Train Diplomacy: Revisit the Efforts Made by Two Big Giants of Asia in Indonesia | Mas Arsyarrahman Setiawan | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
6/28/2024 | Kegagalan Kerja sama Sister City antara Kota Bandung dengan Kota Namur | Andika Aziz Rifa'i | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/29/2024 | Menggali Peran Kelompok Epistemik dalam Kerja Sama Ilmiah Kolombia-Jerman | Rizqi Sari Dewi Girsang | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/29/2024 | European Identity and the 21st Century EU: Steering the Political Project | Muhammad Rayhan Faiq Athalla | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
6/29/2024 | Norms in International Cooperation: An Overview of Paris Agreement | Farhan Riswandha Jhuswanto | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/29/2024 | Reservations of CEDAW: Between Universality and Integrity | Estu Sarwo Mukti | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
6/29/2024 | Maputo Protocol: Reflection as a Legal Framework for International Cooperation in the African Union | Estu Sarwo Mukti | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/2/2024 | Jesus Take The Wheel of Economy | Yosephine Amelia Kristi | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
7/3/2024 | The Fight for DREAMers’ Rights for the Legislation and Liberation | Syakilla Putri Aulia Haryanto | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
7/5/2024 | Tuvalu Should Deal with Climate Refugee Concerns | Krisman Heriamsal | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/7/2024 | A Policy for a Story Indonesia Keeps Hidden: Analyzing the Papua Conflict | Jasmine Naurah Sabrina | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
7/9/2024 | The Paradoxical Game between Humanitarian Intervention and Territorial Sovereignty | Jasmine Naurah Sabrina | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
7/13/2024 | Cosmopolitanism and Global Solidarity in Collective Action for Madagascar’s Famine | Andi Faradilla Ayu Lestari | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/15/2024 | Walmart International’s Acquisition Strategy for Technology-Based Global Market Expansion | Rivelda P. Heatubun | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/15/2024 | Towards Regional Resurgence: Revitalizing SICA, Decolonization and ASEAN Insights | Yosephine Amelia Kristi | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
7/15/2024 | Women and their Beauty Sleep: The Prominence of Gendered Health in International Security Issues | Jasmine Naurah Sabrina | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
7/16/2024 | Reproductive Violence: Forced Sterilization of Women With Disabilities in Australia | Andi Faradilla Ayu Lestari | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/19/2024 | My Life, My Death, My Choice: Right-to-Die Movement and the Politics of Assisted Dying | Andi Faradilla Ayu Lestari | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/21/2024 | Di Balik Kegagalan Sister City di Indonesia: Peran Ceremonial Paradiplomacy | Alyssa Aurelia Primayulita | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/21/2024 | Role Of Government Of Indonesia: Transforming Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Into Being More Eco Friendly | Indra Wahyu Pratama | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/24/2024 | Das Sollen dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Pulau Pasir dengan Australia | Hayatunufus | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/24/2024 | Captagon Crisis: A Silent Plague for the Middle East | Gavrila Putri Ardiona | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
7/24/2024 | Transforming MSMEs through TikTok Shop: Opportunities and Challenges in Indonesia’s Digital Economy Era | Hayuningrum Citra Maharsi | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/24/2024 | Traveloka’s Role in Achieving Net Zero Emissions in Indonesia Through ESG | Hayuningrum Citra Maharsi | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/25/2024 | Connecting Everyone, Dividing Us More? The Challenges of Modernization for Cosmopolitan Dreams | Yusril Ihza Mahendra | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
7/25/2024 | Fast Fashion in Global Trade: An IPEEL Perspective | Farah Muna Safa Taqiya | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
7/25/2024 | Digital Diplomacy and Conflict: The Israel-Palestine Social Media War | Farah Muna Safa Taqiya | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
7/26/2024 | The ICC's Dilemma: Balancing Justice and Perceived Bias in Africa | Aisha Khaira Latifa Syafii | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
7/26/2024 | The Importance of Upholding Ethics and Human Rights in the Development of Nusantara | Alyssa Aurelia Primayulita | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
8/2/2024 | Inserting ASEAN’S Role in the Dynamic of Indo-Pacific | Aulia Rahmatin Masyhuri | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
8/4/2024 | Global Solidarity and Cosmopolitanism in the Climate Crisis: Insights from Fridays for Future Germany | Alyssa Aurelia Primayulita | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
8/5/2024 | Turning the Tide: How Mbappé Turned Down France’s Far-Right | Asyraf Aisy Azzadin | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
8/11/2024 | The Flaring Incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Economy: Implications to Women | Sanasya Khansa Nadia Tuzahra | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
8/11/2024 | Addressing the Challenges of Solid Waste Management in Pacinan, Kepuhteluk, Bawean Island | Najwa Luqyani Hakim | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
8/13/2024 | Democracy Under Siege: The Rise of Authoritarianism in Tunisia | Rachmania Utami Tsalasa Putri | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
8/14/2024 | The Role of IPCC in Shaping National Policy on Climate Change Mitigation | Tresnaning Rahayu | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
8/20/2024 | Moral Values and Political Activism Towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Adinda Buamona | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
8/21/2024 | From Breaking Hearts to Breaking Diplomatic Relationships: Taylor Swift and the Eras Tour Phenomenon | Nadya Ulyana Ridwan | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
8/21/2024 | Coffee Stories: Public’s Behaviour towards Starbucks during the Genocide in Gaza | Nadya Ulyana Ridwan | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
8/26/2024 | Ayo Fomo Politik! | Rhin Khairina Rahmat | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
8/29/2024 | ASEAN Should Shoot Big | Nani Septianie | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
9/1/2024 | Stagnasi Perdagangan Internasional: Mengapa Negara Anggota WTO Sulit Bersepakat? | Diah Pitaloka | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
9/9/2024 | Mengapa Paus Diperhitungkan dalam Pergaulan Internasional? | Eduardus A. Kurniawan | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
9/9/2024 | Geoengineering as a ‘Temporary Solution’? It is either a path towards catastrophe or an escalation to an even worse crisis | Mas Intan Putri Apriani | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
9/9/2024 | Fair Trade or Foul Play? Australia’s Anti-Dumping Duties on Indonesia’s A4 Copy Paper | Diah Pitaloka | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
9/13/2024 | Menelisik Sebuah Pertautan: Energi, Kemiskinan, dan Lingkungan? | Wahyu Candra Dewi | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
9/15/2024 | Menelusuri Upaya Keterlibatan Komunitas Penggemar K-POP Dalam Menyuarakan Krisis Iklim Melalui Fan Activism dan Kosmopolitanisme | Nafa Almaushofia | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
9/19/2024 | BRICS and De-dollarization: An Alternative or Potential Disaster? | Rendy Artha Luvian | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
9/19/2024 | Inovasi Lokal dan Transformasi Digital Pengelolaan Sampah | Rendy Artha Luvian | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
9/19/2024 | Perubahan Sistem Produksi Global untuk Indonesia: Studi Kasus Smelter Nikel | Rendy Artha Luvian | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
9/19/2024 | Dampak IMF terhadap Investasi Asing di Indonesia Pasca Krisis Ekonomi 1998 | Rendy Artha Luvian | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
9/20/2024 | Defying Patriarchy: South Korea’s 4B Movement and Women’s Rejection of ‘Future-Maker’ Role | Jean Nikita Purba | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
9/23/2024 | Mendakwa Israel dari Ledakan Pager-Walkie Talkie Hizbullah | Eduardus A. Kurniawan | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
9/27/2024 | Bretton Woods Agreement, Bank Cartel, and New World Order | Rendy Artha Luvian | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/5/2024 | Community Guidelines vs Regulasi: Mencari Jalan Tengah Menata Ruang Digital (Studi kasus overclaim produk herbal di internet) | Ernani Dewi Kusumawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/7/2024 | Starlink: Saingan Kuat Perusahaan Telekomunikasi di Indonesia | Nugroho Wisnu Pratomo | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/13/2024 | Ketika Empati bagi Palestina Terhenti di Ujung Kata-kata Panglima | Ida Mujtahidah | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/15/2024 | Sport Diplomacy and The Indonesia Vs Bahrain Football Controversy | Ida Mujtahidah | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/17/2024 | Meninjau Kebijakan Digital Peredaran Kosmetik Beretiket Biru | Ernani Dewi Kusumawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/18/2024 | Indonesia’s High-Stakes Gamble with Sea Sand Exports | Mohan M.R.T. Eteng Sitorus | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
10/21/2024 | Sistem Pembayaran Transportasi Umum: Jakarta vs Singapura | Nugroho Wisnu Pratomo | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/22/2024 | JSI WTO on E-Commerce: Keberhasilan Mekanisme Plurilateral WTO? | Muhammad Ismail Anshari | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/25/2024 | Comparative Policies to Support Digital Literacy in Indonesia, India, and Malaysia | Rendy Artha Luvian | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/28/2024 | Slow Genocide: Menilai Tindakan Israel dari Sudut Pandang Normatif | Rendy Artha Luvian | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/28/2024 | Bangkitnya Kuda Hitam, Afganistan dan Perlawanan Global terhadap Agresi Israel | Rendy Artha Luvian | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/28/2024 | Tata Kelola Ekonomi Politik Global: BRICS Era | Irene Kusuma Palmarani | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/28/2024 | Membunuh Yahya Sinwar: Apakah Akan Menghidupkan Harapan Perdamaian di Gaza? | Eduardus A. Kurniawan | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/29/2024 | Tantangan & Strategi Negara Selatan sebagai Latecomer di Ekonomi Politik Global | Agustina Rahmawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/30/2024 | Membangun Perusahaan Multinasional: Negara Selatan Menantang Ekonomi Utara | Mochamad Irfan Dary | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
10/30/2024 | Mendorong Failure Culture: Regulatory Sandbox Indonesia vs Dunia | Mochamad Irfan Dary | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/4/2024 | Strategi Global Value Chains : Menembus Pasar Global Obat Bahan Alam Indonesia | Ernani Dewi Kusumawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/5/2024 | Strategi Negara Selatan untuk Mendorong Internasionalisasi Perusahaan Nasional | Rasyiq Arif Buamona | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/6/2024 | Prioritizing Public Transportation Over Electric Vehicles in Indonesia | Nani Septianie | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/6/2024 | Dari Sanksi Ekonomi Hingga Sabotase Pipa Nord Stream: De-Industrialisasi Eropa | Pradipta Prayoga Nugraha | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/7/2024 | amerika-serikat-negara-demokratis-yang-gagal-memilih-presiden-perempuan-dua-kali | Ida Mujtahidah | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/8/2024 | Kembalinya Donald Trump: Simbol Kemunduran atau Kebangkitan Demokrasi Amerika? | Agustina Rahmawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/16/2024 | Menelusuri Kebijakan Literasi Digital Korea Selatan vs Singapura: Pelajaran Apa yang Bisa Dipetik oleh Indonesia? | Ernani Dewi Kusumawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/16/2024 | Kebijakan Telekomunikasi Indonesia vs China: Kedaulatan Digital dan Daya Saing | Pradipta Prayoga Nugraha | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/18/2024 | Membaca Langkah Prabowo: Merangkul Dua Kekuatan Global, AS-China | Eduardus A. Kurniawan | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/21/2024 | Green Diplomacy at COP29: Implementation of Article 6.4 and Innovations in the Digital Carbon Market | Rendy Artha Luvian | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/21/2024 | Akselerasi Pendidikan Digital di Indonesia: Pelajaran dari Cina | Aisyah Khairunnisa | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/25/2024 | Pelayanan Publik Terintegrasi, Bukan Sekedar Kompetisi Aplikasi | Ernani Dewi Kusumawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
11/26/2024 | IJEPA: A Lifeline for Indonesian Batik MSMEs Amidst the COVID-19 Storm | Sanasya Khansa Nadia Tuzahra | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
11/29/2024 | Belajar dari India: Memberdayakan Perempuan Dengan Inklusivitas Digital | Irene Kusuma Palmarani | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/2/2024 | Imbalance Competition: Local & Multinational e-Commerce in-Indonesia's Domestic Market | Nalini Adhra | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
12/2/2024 | Taiwan's Global Reach: A Tale of Foreign Aid | Diah Pitaloka | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/3/2024 | Balancing Growth and Regulation: Apple’s Investment Struggles in Indonesia | Aisyah Khairunnisa | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/4/2024 | POS System Policy in Indonesia and China: Disrupting the Future of Retail | Zeanita Tiffany Spallanzani | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/4/2024 | From Local Brews to Global Buzz: Kopi Kenangan and Kopi Tuku: Redefining Indonesian Coffee | Zeanita Tiffany Spallanzani | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/5/2024 | Mengandalkan LLL: Apakah Latecomers Perlu Strategi Tambahan di Ekonomi Global? | Irene Kusuma Palmarani | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/7/2024 | Can Constructivism Hold Israel Accountable? South Africa’s Pursuit of Justice for Palestine | Farah Muna Safa Taqiya | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
12/11/2024 | Kejatuhan Rezim Assad di Suriah: Ancaman atau Keberuntungan Bagi Israel? | Rasyiq Arif Buamona | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/11/2024 | Ramification of President Prabowo’s Foreign Trips | M Iqbal Tawakal Al Akbar | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/11/2024 | Indonesia & Estonia: Role Model Keamanan Siber Global | Muhammad Ismail Anshari | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/12/2024 | Mengevaluasi Rendahnya Partisipasi Pemilih di Pilkada 2024 | Muh Rasikh Undipa Akbar | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
12/13/2024 | Betrayed by Guardians: The UN Peacekeepers' Role in the Srebrenica Massacre | Allene Florence F.D. | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
12/13/2024 | Transformers of War: AWS the New Decepticons Challenging International Humanitarian Law | Aisha Khaira Latifa Syafii | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
12/18/2024 | Warisan Soviet yang ditunjukkan Rusia dibawah Kepemimpinan Vladimir Putin | Rendy Artha Luvian | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/19/2024 | From Rice Fields to Silicon Valleys: Vietnam’s Twin Transition in Action | Fairuz Mohamad | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/19/2024 | The New Cold War Dilemma: Australia’s Struggle as a Middle Power in the Indo-Pacific | Aisha Khaira Latifa Syafii | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
12/20/2024 | Mengevaluasi Rendahnya Partisipasi Pemilih di Pilkada 2024 | Muh Rasikh Undipa Akbar | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
12/1/2024 | Perubahan Status Quo dan Masa Depan Orientasi Politik Turki Terhadap Suriah | Imam Syafi'ie | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/1/2024 | Dumpling Multiverse: Intertwining Cultures With a Tiny Piece of Dough | Nadya Ulyana Ridwan | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
12/24/2024 | Tantangan Kesenjangan Generasi Dalam Literasi Kesehatan Digital | Ernani Dewi Kusumawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/24/2024 | Suriah: Medan Tempur Proksi Paling Kini dan Efeknya Untuk Indonesia | Eduardus A. Kurniawan | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
12/28/2024 | Should Trump Rethink His Addiction to Tariffs? | Charisya | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/2/2025 | Vietnam vs. Indonesia: Daya Tarik Diplomasi Ekonomi di Mata Perusahaan Teknologi | Aisyah Khairunnisa | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/7/2025 | Potret Wajah Kelam Hegemoni Kapitalisme dalam Narasi Serial Squid Game | Ernani Dewi Kusumawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/15/2025 | The Dubai Chocolate Bar: Through the Track Diplomacy | Atha Anargya Kirana | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/16/2025 | ANZUS at the Crossroads: Balancing Tradition and Modernization in Australia’s Quest for Indo-Pacific Security | Farah Muna Safa Taqiya | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/16/2025 | ‘Weaponisation of Starvation’: The Failing of International Humanitarian Law in Sudan’s War | Aisya Muyassara Wisnugroho | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/16/2025 | The Influence on European Union Politics of China’s Expanding Digital Presence | Aisya Muyassara Wisnugroho | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/16/2025 | Panda Diplomacy: China’s (re)Emerging Soft Power towards the U.S. | Aisya Muyassara Wisnugroho | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/16/2025 | Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing in the ASEAN Region: Environmental and Human Security Issues | Aisya Muyassara Wisnugroho | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/16/2025 | * ‘Weaponisation of Starvation’: The Failing of International Humanitarian Law in Sudan’s War | Aisya Muyassara Wisnugroho | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/16/2025 | Indonesian Women and Virginity: Requestioning Structural Challenges and Human Rights | Lamtiar Nauli S. M. N. | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/17/2025 | Bagaimana Strategi Indonesia Bergabung BRICS dan OECD Dari Tekanan Trump? | Mohammad Nashiir | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/20/2025 | Squid Game and South Korean Politics: Socioeconomic Inequality and Power Struggles | Fairuz Mohamad | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/22/2025 | Systemic Corruption: From Jokowi’s 2024 OCCRP Nomination to Narrow-Minded Nationalism | Lamtiar N. S. M. Nababan | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/29/2025 | Gencatan Senjata Israel ke Lebanon Bukan Tanda Kekalahan | Agustina Rahmawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/30/2025 | Jejak Shin Tae-yong dan Diplomasi Sepak Bola Indonesia | Agustina Rahmawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/30/2025 | Penunjukan Patrick Kluivert dan Implikasinya bagi Sepak Bola Indonesia | Agustina Rahmawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
1/31/2025 | Usulan Trump untuk Relokasi Warga Palestina Melanggar Hukum Internasional | Agustina Rahmawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/2/2025 | Future of Jobs Report 2025: Benarkah Akan Banyak Pekerjaan yang Hilang? | Irene Kusuma Palmarani | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/4/2025 | Dilema Etika dan Promosi Produk Kesehatan: Menjaga Kepercayaan Publik di Era Digital | Ernani Dewi Kusumawati | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/6/2025 | The Chinese Triads in Southeast Asia: ASEAN Endeavour in Undertaking TOC | Nasya Aiskha Safira | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
2/8/2025 | Beyond Rescue: Why Humanitarian Aid Needs Government Backing in War Zones | Letizia Christabel Pangkerego | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
2/8/2025 | From Dreamhouses to Doomsday: How Barbenheimer Showcases America’s Diplomatic Duality | Julia Alma Baschieri | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
2/10/2025 | Constructivism on Cultural Diplomacy: Cliburn and his Music Against the Cold War | Nasmaria Putri Tahalea | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
2/14/2025 | Epicenter of Growth: Unleashing ASEAN’s Massive Potential | Ervin Ramadhan Imannulloh | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/14/2025 | Determining the Endgame for Russia in Ukraine | Rendy Artha Luvian | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/15/2025 | Navigating Sovereignty, Security and Humanity: The ASEAN Way and the Rohingya Crisis | Chiara Abigail Gultom | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
2/17/2025 | Mewujudkan Kesetaraan Gender pada Teknologi AI | Meirza Luthfi Pradana | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/18/2025 | Indonesia must abandon protectionism to achieve industrial growth | Muhammad Faisal Javier Anwar | S-2 | Media daring | Baca |
2/25/2025 | Understanding the Lack of Legal Action Against China’s South China Sea Assertions | Fata Mazaya Zhafir | S-1 | Media daring | Baca |
1/2/2024 | The Strategy of Indonesia’s Economic Diplomacy in Building Mandalika Special Economic Zone 2017-2021 | Aulia Rahmatin Masyhuri | S-2 | Jurnal Nasional | Baca |
1/11/2024 | Revisiting Faith-Based Diplomacy’s Effectiveness: Eastern European Orthodox Church in the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian Conflict | Diandra Ayu Larasati | S-2 | Jurnal Internasional | Baca |
2/28/2024 | Diplomasi Publik Indonesia Dalam Mendukung Keanggotaan Timor Leste Dalam ASEAN | Krisman Heriamsal; Heyna Jekaisa | S-2 | Jurnal Nasional | Baca |
6/21/2024 | Conflict-Induced Displacement and Food Insecurity: The Case Of Burkina Faso As Sahel’s Growing Epicenter of Conflict | Putu Prisca Lusiani; Yodana Nisadina | S-2 | Jurnal Nasional | Baca |
7/24/2024 | Framming Analysis of Media Online Indonesia Against Executions Without Notifications By The Government of Saudi Arabia | Hayatunufus | S-2 | Jurnal Nasional | Baca |
11/23/2024 | Environmental Ethics Discourse Analysis: Coastal Protection and Outer Space in a Digital Era | Zulfan Fakhri Mahendra | S-2 | Jurnal Internasional | Baca |
12/24/2024 | Meningkatkan Efisiensi Perdagangan: Sinergi Berkelanjutan Indonesia-Uni Eropa Melalui ARISE+ Indonesia Trade Support Facility | Krisman Heriamsal | S-2 | Jurnal Nasional | Baca |
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BB Fisipol Building, 5th Floor
Jl. Sosio Yustisia No. 1, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia