Master Program in International Relations Universitas Gadjah Mada (MPIR UGM) has implemented the latest curriculum, “Kurikulum 2024” or “K-24”. The curriculum is designed to fulfill the new provisions contained in Minister of Education and Culture Regulation 53/2023, including the minimum credit load at the master level which must be around 54–72 credits. Therefore, MPIR increased the credits that students must take during the 3-semester study period, from 45 credits (76 ECTS) to 60 credits (100 ECTS).
K-24 also accommodates suggestions and input from active students, alumni, lecturers, and partners to develop a curriculum that opens opportunities for students to design their studies independently (self-tailored). In K-24, students will choose four elective courses in Semester 2.
MPIR offers one major interest for international students, as follows:
MAIR Regular Program courses will be organized offline at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and will be delivered using the Indonesian language.
MPIR UGM seeks to develop human resources who have competence in the fields of diplomacy, academics, transnational, and journalism. In order to achieve this goal, MPIR UGM compiles the following core competencies of graduates:
Diplomatic competencies
Focus on developing character, knowledge, and expertise that support diplomatic activities, both within the scope of international relations between countries and international organizations.
Academic competencies
Focus on developing analytical, reflective and theoretical skills to support research and teaching activities. Some areas of work related to this competency are researchers and teachers.
Transnational Competencies
Focus on developing knowledge and skills to build cross-border and cross-network cooperation among civil society organizations, communities, and/or multinational corporations. Some areas of work related to this competency include social activists, staff of international organizations, and/or professionals in multinational companies.
Journalism Competency
Focuses on developing the character and skills to understand political trends and critically analyze global political developments. Some areas of work related to this competency include journalists, writers, and news broadcasters.
To develop the graduate competencies mentioned in the previous section, MPIR UGM formulates learning outcomes for each course offered. This formulation is outlined in 9 (nine) program learning outcomes (PLOs) as follows:
PLO Code | PLO Description |
PLO 1.1 | Develop critical thinking and sensitivity to the problems of peace, justice, and civility in global society. |
PLO 1.2 | Design social activism with domestic and international stakeholders. |
PLO 1.3 | Take part in social activities that contribute to global peace, justice, and civility. |
PLO 2.1 | Evaluate advanced theoretical debate in the study of international relations. |
PLO 2.2 | Appraise (contrast, compare, categorize) theory within a broader ontological and epistemological position in the study of international relations. |
PLO 2.3 | Distill conceptual framework and research method to conduct advanced international relations analysis. |
PLO 3.1 | Defend responsible and sound academic arguments in public through written, oral, or multimedia formats. |
PLO 4.1 | Develop leadership in international and multicultural interactions. |
PLO 4.2 | Collaborate with national and international stakeholders in conducting diplomacy, negotiation, mediation, and facilitation. |
The following table contains a reference for the assessment rubrics for all courses. Assessment components can be adjusted, based on the learning contract stated in the syllabus of each course.
Components | Foundation | Grade | |||
A (4.00/4.00) | B (3.00/4.00) | C (2.00/4.00) | D (1.00/4.00) | ||
Essay | Substance | excellent comprehension and analysis | good comprehension and analysis | reasonably good comprehension and analysis | poor comprehension and analysis |
Process | excellent writing structure; effective and skillful use of language | good writing structure; effective use of language | reasonably good writing structure; less effective use of language | poor writing structure, ineffective use of language | |
Relation | well-researched; excellent comprehension of its place in the scholarly literature; excellent use of references | well-researched; good comprehension of its place in the scholarly literature; good use of references | reasonably good comprehension of its place in the scholarly literature; reasonably good use of references | poor comprehension of its place in the scholarly literature; poor use of references | |
Presentation | Substance | excellent comprehension, elaborative explanation | good comprehension, good explanation with few elaboration | comprehension and explanation are reasonably good, but lack elaboration | poor comprehension and explanation without elaboration |
Process | Excellent delivery, received full attention from participants, effective time management | good delivery, getting the attention of most of the participants, effective time management | reasonably good delivery, got the attention of a number of participants, fairly effective time management | poor delivery, not getting attention from participants, ineffective time management | |
Relation | excellent interaction with participants; contributing significantly to the improvement of participants' understanding of the presentation topic | good interaction with participants; able to increase participants' interest in the presentation topic | Reasonably good interaction with participants; able to increase participants' interest in the presentation topic, but there are still points that are not clear. | poor interaction with participants; failed to increase participants' interest in the presentation topic | |
Participation | Substance | excellent and authentic contribution to classroom activities | good contribution to class activities | reasonably good contribution to class activities | poor contribution to class activities |
Process | always present and on time | Minimum 80% attendance | Minimum 50% attendance | Attendance less than 50% | |
Relation | attentive to class activities, respectful of class members | attentiveness to class activities, respecting class members | Moderately attentive to class activities, moderately respectful of class members | Lack of attention to class activities, lack of respect for class members | |
Written Exam | Substance | excellent comprehension and analysis | good comprehension and analysis | reasonably good comprehension and analysis | poor comprehension and analysis |
Process | excellent and structured arguments | good and logical arguments | reasonably good arguments | poor arguments | |
Relation | well-researched; excellent comprehension of its place in the scholarly literature; excellent use of references | well-researched; good comprehension of its place in the scholarly literature; good use of references | reasonably good comprehension of its place in the scholarly literature; reasonably good use of references | poor comprehension of its place in the scholarly literature; poor use of references |
The 1st semester contains 6 (six) compulsory courses with a credit load of 24 SKS (40 ECTS).
Course | Category | Credits |
Perspective in Global Politics | Compulsory | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Diplomacy and Global Governance | Compulsory | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Research Methods | Compulsory | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Global Political Economy | Compulsory | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
International Politics and Security | Core MAIR | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
International Peace Studies | Core MAIR | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
The 2nd semester contains 6 (six) compulsory courses with a credit load of 24 SKS (40 ECTS), consisting:
Courses | Category | Credits |
Workshop Leading to Thesis | Compulsory | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Foreign Policy Analysis | Compulsory | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Elective Courses | Elective | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Elective Courses | Elective | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Elective Courses | Elective | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Elective Courses | Elective | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
The 3rd semester contains one compulsory course for thesis writing, with a credit load of 24 SKS (40 ECTS).
Courses | Category | Credits |
Thesis | Compulsory | 12 SKS (20 ECTS) |
The table below lists elective courses that students can take in the 2nd semester. Students required to complete total of 4 (four) elective courses, equal to 16 SKS (27 ECTS).
Students may choose maximum of 2 (two) cross-concentration courses, listed below as elective courses of Digital Transformation and Competitiveness—DTC. Please note that DTC courses will be delivered in blended-learning format by utilizing Fisipol Online Campus (FOCUS) platform at
Courses | Category | Credits |
Cosmopolitanism and International Norms | Elective MAIR | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Politics of International Law | Elective MAIR | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Gender in Global Politics | Elective MAIR | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Human Security | Elective MAIR | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
International Humanitarian Action | Elective MAIR | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution | Elective MAIR | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Global Environmental Politics | Elective MAIR | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Politics of Global Competitiveness | Elective MAIR | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
International Development Studies | Elective MAIR | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Contemporary Topics of International Relations ** | Elective MAIR/DTC | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Industry and Innovation System in Digital Era | Elective DTC | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Digital Economy and E-Commerce | Elective DTC | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
Ethics in Digital Innovation | Elective DTC | 4 SKS (6.7 ECTS) |
(**) The main topic of this course is subject to change every year:
The final assessment is thesis writing. Students can start writing a thesis after completing the Workshop Leading to Thesis (WPT) course in the 2nd Semester and passing the Thesis Proposal Seminar. The provisions for the preparation of the thesis are as follows:
Students qualify for graduation if they achieve a minimum GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) and a minimum grade of B for the thesis. The maximum duration of study period is 6 semesters (3 years).
Learn more reference on thesis writings in UGM: (a) MPIR UGM Thesis Guidelines and (b) UGM Graduate School Thesis Guidelines.
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