Flinders University

Flinders University is our first partner that offers a Double Degree Program. Allowing students to receive both a Bachelors of Arts (BA) and Sarjana Ilmu Politik (S.IP) by the end of their study. It also offers a Student Exchange Program. Courses are offered as packages, meaning that they are compulsory for UGM students, with the exception of one elective class. Flinders University is most suited for those concentrating in Global Politics and Security.

Program: Student Exchange


1 semester (SAP);

1 year (DDP)

Minimum GPA:



± AUD 20,000/year



Minimum TOEFL:
79 (IBT)
Minimum IELTS:
6.0 overall, no band under 6.0
Living Cost:
AUD 1,000 – 1,500 /month
30 March
Entry Requirements
  • Students must be officially nominated by the home institution.
  • Students must complete the online application.
  • Students must submit:
    • one academic reference
    • one-page personal statement
    • official academic transcript (to be sent by the IUP-IR office)
    • proof of English proficiency.