The Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, announces that the following applicants have passed their GMST and AcEPT in the First Intake of 2025:
"President Xi shows ambition to make China the environmental leader, not only domestically but also globally," said Dr. Yixian Sun during a discussion at DIHI Talks on Friday, December 13th of this year. Yixian Sun is an associate professor of International Development at the University of Bath, United Kingdom. He mentioned several attempts made by China to shift the Belt and Road Initiative into a Green Belt and Road Initiative. Yixian added, "What has driven China to move towards a Green BRI?"
"Whose popular culture?" This was the central question explored in the opening talk show of the Popular Culture and World Politics v15 Conference (PCWPv15) held on Tuesday (19/11) at Selasar Barat, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Organized by the Master Program in International Relations UGM, the event featured three prominent Indonesian curators, Alia Swastika (Jogja Biennale Foundation), Budi Irawanto (Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival [JAFF]) and Okky Madasari (ASEAN Literary Festival). A total of 48 participants attended the discussion, moderated by diah kusumaningrum (Department of International Relations, UGM).