Telusuri beragam minat khusus yang kami tawarkan dan unduh silabus mata kuliah.
Pelajari Kurikulum
Kami membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan Sarjana (S-1) dari semua bidang keilmuan.
Daftar Sekarang
Tersedia berbagai peluang beasiswa bagi calon mahasiswa baru.
Pelajari Peluang


From time to time, Master Program in International Relations (MPIR) admitted prospective students from various educational and professional backgrounds. In order to support the academic provision of first-year students, MPIR organize a matriculation program to equip students with fundamental knowledge and scientific application prior to the first semester. In addition, this program also aims to guide students to be able to write academic manuscript in accordance with the standard rules and norms in the academic tradition of International Relations.

All new students with non-IR educational background are required to attend the matriculation program.


The program will be organized offline for one week prior to the first week of academic semester, along with the orientation week for new postgraduate students at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. All session will be delivered in Indonesian language.

1Introduction to International RelationsAn introduction to the intellectual tradition and the development of International Relations as a field of study.
2Introduction to International Political Economy
3Introduction to International Security Studies
4Introduction to International Peace Studies
5Introduction to Academic WritingsThis session discusses how to develop sound and clear arguments in academic writing, as well as providing guidelines on ethics and academic integrity related to scientific writings.


In order to pass the matriculation program, each participant must meet the following assessment criteria:

  1. Attend all meetings, without exception;
  2. Write and submit a 300–400 words review (around 1 page) for each session.