UGM, PT ZTE Indonesia Partner to Enhance Education in the Information Techology Sector

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and PT ZTE Indonesia agreed to collaborate in education, research, and community service by signing a Memorandum of Understanding on Wednesday (14/9). Through this cooperation, PT ZTE Indonesia will support human resource capacity building by providing scholarship and supporting the implementation of the nationwide Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program.

Vice-Rector for Research, Business Development, and Partnerships of UGM, Ignatius Susatyo Wijoyo, M.M. expressed his gratitude for this collaboration. “This is a good opportunity for UGM in an effort to strengthen synergies with the business and business sector, as well as the implementation of higher education tridarma,” he said after signing the MoU in the Multimedia Room, UGM Main Building.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT ZTE Indonesia, Richard Liang Weiqi, said that PT ZTE Indonesia was delighted to work with one of the best universities in Indonesia. ” We hope that cooperation with UGM will last for a long time. PT ZTE Indonesia will continue to contribute to developing of the information and communication technology sector by supporting higher education in Indonesia,” he explained.

On this occasion, the HR Director of PT ZTE Indonesia, Robby Purbantoro also signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., MPA. to provide scholarship for students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Digital Transformation and Competitiveness (MA in DTC). The program is administered under the Graduate Program of the Department of International Relations UGM.

Author: Nurhawira Gigih Pramono

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