Specification and Curriculum Guide 2021


K21 adopts a semi-block system, where students are required to complete 144 credits in no more than 5 years or 10 semesters.

Throughout their first year, students take a set of Faculty-Mandated Courses and Department-Mandated Courses. These include a number of courses that introduce students to the 3 subfields and to area studies.

Throughout their second and third years, students concentrate on 1 of the 3 available subfields: Global Politics and Security (GPS), Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS), or International Political Economy and Development (IPED). At the same time, students take Area Studies Courses. In their third year, students taking the international program participate in a student exchange, study abroad, or double degree program at one of UPIR UGM’s partner universities. Also in their third year, students take Independent Study, where they prepare and defend their thesis proposal.

Throughout their fourth (and/or fifth) year, students complete their Community Service and Undergraduate Thesis.

Curicculum Structure

Curicculum Regulation

144 Credits

144 credits. In accordance with the national curriculum, each students need to complete at least 144 credits, which include


University-Mandated Courses

  • Campus Orientation (1 credit)
  • Academic Writing (2 credits)
  • Religious Studies (2 credits)
  • Pancasila (2 credits)
  • Citizenship (2 credits)
  • Community Service (8 credits)


tFaculty-Mandated Courses

  • Social Sciences: The Basics (3 credits)
  • Introduction to Political Science (3 credits)
  • Indonesian Social and Political History (3 credits)
  • Indonesian Social and Political System (3 credits)


Departmental Courses

  • Department-Mandated Courses (60 credits)
  • Departmental Elective Courses (45 credits)
  • Cross-Departmental Elective Courses (4 credits)
  • Undergraduate Thesis (6 credits)

Self-Tailored. Students design their own study plan and decide accordingly how to make the most of the 120 credits of Departmental Courses, which comprises of


Department-Mandated Courses

  • Core IR Courses (21 credits)
  • Concentration Introductory Courses (27 credits)
  • Area Studies Introductory Course (3 credits)
  • Research Courses (9 credits)


Departmental Elective Courses

  • Concentration Courses (students need to take at least 9 credits from the subfield they chose to concentrate on), some of which can be taken at partner universities through MBKM
  • Area Studies Courses (students need to take at least 15 credits), some of which can be taken at partner universities through MBKM


Cross-Departmental Courses

This component can be completed by taking

  • Courses offered by other departments or faculties, some of which can be taken at partner universities through MBKM
  • MBKM activities
  • Departmental Elective Courses: Concentration Courses and/or Area Studies Courses


Undergraduate Thesis

Mandatory components. Students are required to take
  • all University-Mandated Courses
  • all Faculty-Mandated Courses
  • all Department-Mandated Courses (including Core IR Courses, Concentration Introductory Courses, Area Studies Introductory Courses, and Research Courses)
  • Undergraduate Thesis
Elective components. Depending on their study plan, students choose
  • a number of Concentration Courses
  • a number of Area Studies Courses
  • a number of Cross-Departmental Courses

Subfield/concentration components. Students need to complete at least 18 credits from 1 of the 3 available subfields — GPS, PCS, or IPED. Students needto formally state which subfield they wish to concentrate on by the beginning of their 6th Semester, as they enroll in Independent Study. The 18 credits include

  • 9 credits of the mandatory Concentration (subfield) Introductory Courses, to be completed in Semesters 2 and 3
  • 9 credits of the elective Concentration Courses, to be taken in Semesters 3, 4, 5, and/or 6, some of which can be taken at partner universities through MBKM

Area Studies components. Students need to complete at least 15 credits of Area Studies Courses. They are to be taken in Semesters 3, 4, 5, and/or 6, someof which can be taken at partner universities through MBKM

Cross-Departmental components. Students are allowed to take a minimum of 4 credits from outside of UPIR UGM. Should they not be interested in taking courses offered by other departments or faculties, nor in taking MBKM activities, they can use the 4 credits to take additional Concentration Courses and/or Area Studies Courses.

International Exposure Program (IEP). Students who are enrolled in the international program need to take credits from one of UPIR UGM’s partner universities. This is to be done in Semester 5 and/or 6, through existing student exchange, study abroad, or double degree programs. The credits taken at partner universities can substitute for Concentration Courses, Area Studies Courses, and/or Cross-Departmental Courses, and may be a part of MBKM. Technical arrangements regarding IEP are provided in a separate document.

Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). Students are allowed to take a maximum of 40 credits from the 8 MBKM arenas. The credits taken through MBKM can substitute for Concentration Courses, Area Studies Courses, Research Courses, and/or Cross-Departmental Courses. Technical arrangements regarding MBKM are provided in a separate document.

Undergraduate Thesis. Students need to complete 6 credits of Undergraduate Thesis as their exit exam from UPIR UGM. Technical arrangements regarding Undergraduate Thesis are provided in a separate document.

Fast Track. Students have the opportunity to embark upon the fast track program, which allows them to take undergraduate courses at UPIR UGM throughout Semesters 1-6 and graduate courses at IR UGM’s Master Program throughout Semesters 7-8. Upon completing an undergraduate thesis and graduate thesis in Semesters 9-10, students shall receive both BA and MA degrees. Technical arrangements regarding the fast track program are provided in a separate document.

Academic Administration. UPIR  UGM  follows  FISIPOL  UGM’s  academic regulations, as stated in FISIPOL’s program specification. They include, among others, but are not limited to, arrangements on admission tests, tuition fees, registration, leave of absence, ABT (all but thesis) status, and graduation.

Curriculum Map

The contribution of each course in Kurikulum 2021 to the fulfilment of UPIR UGM’s ELOs is displayed in the following curriculum map:


The assessment system in the IR IUP program follows the academic guidelines of the UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

In order to ensure consistency of assessment standards between courses and lecturers, IR IUP applies the following rubric:

This page was last updated on 9 August, 2024